Myst IV: Revelation

Genre: Adventure

Developer: UbiSoft Montreal Studios

Publisher: UbiSoft Entertainment

Released: 2004

PC Requirements: Pentium® IV or AMD Athlon™, 64Mb or more DirectX® 9-compliant video card (800x600 display), 256 MB RAM, 8.0 GB free hard disk space, 4x DVD or faster, DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card, Windows® 98SE/2000/ME/XP with DirectX 9.0c (included on DVD)

Myst IV: Revelation marks the return to the node system, which means you haven't the freedom of movement that is available in a true 3D environment, but each node can behave like it was 3D. The success and recognition of Exile's score landed Wall the job of writing Revelation's music with a budget of $100,000—twice the amount he had worked with for Exile. Wall reused, reorchestrated and expanded themes composed by previous Myst composer Robyn Miller; for example, Wall reused Atrus' Theme from Riven and the brothers' leitmotifs. In Myst IV, you learn the fate of the two brothers from Myst 1 and must search for Yeesha, Atrus' daughter. Sirrus and Achenar have remained trapped in their prison worlds for crimes they have committed. With the disappearance of Yeesha, you must explore the two prison worlds and find her.

Solution myst revelationRevelation

Myst is my favorite game series and Myst IV: Revelation is my favorite game in the series. This is, therefore, my favorite game of ALL TIME!!! So, you have to like puzzle games and such and you have to be patient enough to not mind if you are not able to figure out the puzzles immediately. Myst IV Revelation is the most difficult. Myst IV is entertaining and should be included. Myst III is tons of fun and quite possibly the best of the series in many eyes. When all is said and done, no Myst game collection is complete without these games. I have these two missing.

by gremlin

What is it?

The sequel to the sequel (Exile) to the sequel (Riven) of Myst! Just like Exile, this is a point-n-click adventure, in full screen, 360 degree bubbles. Chronologically, this game comes after Exile; Yeesha, the baby at the beginning of Exile, is now a bright, engaging 10-year old, and Atrus (played, once again, by Rand Miller, CEO of Cyan Worlds) is starting to show some age, with a distinguished display of greying hair and beard.

Okay, I have to come clean, right from the start. I've been a fan of the Myst games since 1993. So, you can imagine the sense of excitement and anticipation I felt when a certain package arrived on my doormat! I've been really good this time. I've not looked at the preview screen shots, I've assiduously avoided any Myst-related threads on adventure forums; I know next to nothing about Myst IV Revelation. Until now....

Where does it come from?

Again, like Exile, this game was not written, nor developed by Cyan (the originators of the Myst story) however the first “ident” movie is the wonderful Cyan one that sends shivers down my spine!

This game was developed for UbiSoft by Team Revelation, under license (and with artistic and plot oversight) from Cyan. Development of the project started well before Exile was complete, and you can tell from the quality of the game that it has taken all this time to produce. There's just so much in it. It comes with two whole DVDs of resources -- giving an 8GB (yes, eight gigabytes) full install. Even the minimum install is a whopping 3.5GB!

Is there a plot?

Of course... it's a Myst game! Atrus introduces the story by telling us that his sons, Sirrus and Achenar, weren't killed at the end of Myst (as some people had supposed) but remained trapped. Now we find out how Atrus and his family -- Catherine, his wife, and Yeesha, their lively (roughly) 10 year old daughter -- have dealt with the situation. You're invited to help out.

Those sons of his seem to have been the bane of Atrus's existence, providing the plot and motivation for three out of the five Myst games so far.

This is also the second Myst game to have its plot written by Mary DeMarle. She also wrote the story for Exile, to such good effect, and this one is similarly excellent, fitting the canon of Myst-lore well.

How do you play?

Starting in Tomahna (Atrus's family's home), you solve puzzles, fix machinery, go on wild rides, decode texts & sounds, etc, in four Ages. The Ages are spectacular, but I don't want to spoil any surprises for anyone. So I'll just say that the Ages are bigger, more elaborate and more fully realized than anything in Exile. Riven only rivals this by dint of it being set almost entirely in one Age, rather than four. On a personal note, I have to say that Tomahna is my favourite Age in this game; I could live there myself.

Navigation is simple, being entirely mouse driven. The customisable hand cursor is used throughout, making smoothly animated transitions between idle, pointing, grasping and touching forms. You can change the colour, transparency, and handedness of the cursor in the Options menu. A nice touch, enabling you to control how visible your cursor is.

Hotspots are rarely difficult to find - there's no pixel hunting here. Controls on machinery are clear in their location, if not their function. But then the game wouldn't be true to the Myst genre if Atrus's mechanical wonders were obvious in their layout.

The Puzzles don't interrupt game play and plot...they're essential to progressing the story. They're not just in the style of 'here's a fancy puzzle-lock, you don't get to see the Treasure Chamber until you can figure out this sliding tiles game'. There are some very novel puzzles right from the get-go. And the final puzzle is a complete doozy!

Just so you know, there are no mazes, nor sliding blocks, but there are sound puzzles and a timed sequence.

Notable Features

The live acting is excellent. Rand Miller is the *only* person who can play Atrus, much as he'd like to escape the role! Yeesha (Juliette Gosselin) is lovely. Sirrus and Achenar were played by Rand and Robin Miller in Myst, and are now played by Brian Wench, (a US TV actor) and Guy Sprung (a Canadian TV actor). Both are excellent, bringing back to life those two apparent psychopaths from the first game with great flair and enjoyable characterisation.

Technically, the live action sequences are integrated very, very well with the pre-rendered elements, animated environment, and real-time effects. Characters interact with objects, pass through doorways accurately, and show up as distant glimpses through intervening structures very smoothly. There's a great sense of the characters being real within this world.

Inevitably, I have to gush glowing praise for the graphics in Myst IV. Every time we have a new Myst game, I am astounded by the leaps forward made by the development teams, be they Cyan themselves, Presto (Exile) or Team Revelation. The Ages are stylish, intricate, beautiful (in their own ways), and fantastically brought to life by the optional immersive features. Even without the optional material, there is life in the environment, with moving water, animated insects, lightning, wind and wildlife. However, if you turn on the optional effects, the overall picture is stunning. To take Tomahna for example, the trees move in the wind, the waterfall is shrouded in mist (not myst, sic!), smoke rises from the kitchen, birds and insects flutter around the vegetation and scattered leaves blow in the breeze.

This game really is a tour de force in world realisation and photo-realistic environments!

As with Exile, the music for Myst IV was composed by Jack Wall. I've always found his material beautiful, haunting, dramatic, and brilliantly applied. He has linked this game stylistically and thematically to the earlier games, without just re-using Robyn Miller's material. There's also a song by Peter Gabriel (who also composed music for Uru: Ages of Myst), which fits in very well where it comes. No spoiler intended.

Any other novelties?

ALIVE technology - most objects and surfaces within range of your hand can be touched to find out what they sound like - walls, books, glass windows, plants, equipment; all sorts of things. Some objects can be used without appearing to have any true part in the game -- lovely extra colour, to bring you deeper into the game. This addresses one of the longest held gripes of many point-n-click adventurers; the fact that the game environments almost always include many objects about which the user is curious, but can never actually explore (for example, in Syberia, all those 1st floor doors in the hotel in Valadilene that went nowhere).

The game also allows you to have objects take on a degree of soft focus based upon their distance from the user. I must say that I really didn't like this feature, and turned it off as soon as I discovered it was optional. I like my world to be as clear as possible; I can get all the blurred images I could possibly ever wish for, if I take my glasses off.

There's the built-in hint system, using hints from Prima (publishers of the Strategy Guide for Myst IV, amongst many other guides). Level I, II, and III hints provide gentle nudges, pointed clues, and complete instructions for the various puzzles. There is a warning every time the hint system is about to reveal more information (almost every click whilst using the hints). This gets annoying very quickly. Yes, I know using this hint may 'affect my gaming experience'. Enough already!

Part way into the game, you obtain an amulet of memories that is used to give plot and character developing colour, especially by allowing the player to hear the characters read out the contents of their various journals. This makes absorbing the information in the journals a much more enjoyable aspect of the game than it has been in previous Myst games.

A camera may not be a novelty to adventure gamers anymore. There was one in Timelapse and many other games since. But the Myst IV camera is one of the most useful ever. We all know how difficult it is to take good graphical notes for Myst games; the clues can be so subtle. Well, the camera and viewer (with its note taking function too) make taking notes so much easier, it's almost simple to use Atrus's crystal viewer. Not too simple of course, because the clues are hand drawn, but still, much easier than puzzling out clues copied down late at night by someone who's own drawing skills leave much to be desired!


I'm sorry to say that my playing of Myst IV was marred by a number of bugs.

First of all, there's a compatibility issue with ATI Radeon cards (7000, 7500 and in my experience 9000 too) where the 3D environment is masked out by sandy squares. However, UbiSoft have a fix for this on their support site; a modification to a configuration file.

Secondly, the game has periodic crashes to the desktop. The game never crashed my PC, but did quit suddenly at a number of places, and never reproducibly, making it very hard to diagnose the cause. Therefore, save often; but this leads to the third problem I suffered.

As you accumulate save games, the menus get slower and slower. So either limit yourself to, say, ten save slots, or find the save directory and move save files out of the way, or periodically delete old saves from within the Load Game menu.


In a nutshell: magnificent! This is my favourite Myst game yet. There are the awesome Ages, with perilous heights, stunning scenery, fantastical creatures. We get plenty of lifts, cable car rides, amazing machines, intriguing and challenging puzzles.

Flies in the ointment: blurry focus (can be turned off), massive full install, virtual CD/DVD check, and graphical problems that weren't completely solved until I’d finished the game. It's a shame that after three years of development, there are still issues in the game. These issues, including the save game slow-down and repeated crashes to desktop, contribute to a slight tarnish on the overall product. I'll be betraying my fan-dom of the Myst games by saying that I was willing to work around the issues, and have been able, I feel, to see the gold underneath.

Grade: A-

A patch solving the issues mentioned above would convert this into an A+.

What do you need to play it?

Minimum Requirements

  • 700 MHz Pentium® III or AMD Athlon™ or better

  • 32 MB DirectX® 9-compliant video card (800x600 display)

  • 128 MB RAM (256 MB required for XP)

  • 3.5 GB free hard disk space

  • 4x DVD or faster

  • DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card

  • Windows® 98SE/2000/ME/XP with DirectX 9.0c (included on DVD)

Recommended Requirements

  • Pentium® IV or AMD Athlon™

  • 64Mb or more DirectX® 9-compliant video card (800x600 display)

  • 256 MB RAM

  • 8.0 GB free hard disk space

  • 4x DVD or faster

  • DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card

  • Windows® 98SE/2000/ME/XP with DirectX 9.0c (included on DVD)

(I used Win XP, AMD XP 2400, 512 MB RAM, ATI Radeon 9000 Pro 128 AGP)


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GB Reviews Index

After adventuring through the ages, gamers return to the original realms of Myst in Revelation, the fourth full title in the series. Since the breakthrough release of the first Myst game in 1994, fans have visited countless alternate dimensions and surreal realms. Yet despite their many discoveries, one question has remained: Whatever happened to Sirrus and Achenar, the two feuding sons of the original adventure's extra-dimensional explorer Atrus? Players may very well discover the answer to this question -- and many others -- in Myst IV. Atrus' young daughter Yeesha has gone missing, and players are put in a unique position to help save her. The worlds of Myst are seldom as they seem at first, however, and it is likely that fans will experience many 'revelations' as they explore this fourth adventure.

Any fan playing this game may get the distinctive feeling that everything which has happened in the Myst series so far has been building up to the monumental sequel that is Myst IV: Revelation. In many ways, Myst IV: Revelation can probably be described as a 'make or break' title for this long running franchise. Every element that fans love about the series has been greatly improved, and almost all of the flaws that have haunted the previous titles have been addressed. Consequently, Myst IV: Revelation may potentially be the most polished game for the celebrated series.

The story begins relatively simple. You, a trusted friend of Atrus (who, in the Myst mythology, possesses special power to literally create worlds known as Ages by writing magical linking books about them), have been summoned by Atrus to care for his young daughter Yeesha for a short while Atrus leaves his home in Tomahna for an important errand. Once Atrus has left, you decide to take advantage of your short stay there by doing a bit of sightseeing, but your exploration is quickly put on hold as a sudden earthquake knocks you unconscious. When you awaken, you discover that Yeesha is gone, Tomahna is left in ruins, and Atrus is stuck far away unable to reach home. Now, it is up to you to find out where the girl is, get her back, and discover who her kidnappers are before revealing their nefarious motives.

Despite the achievement that the Myst series has garnered from a technical perspective, the same cannot be said for its stories. Myst III: Exile attempts to tackle this shortcoming with a sympathetic villain named Saavedro, but it too ends up with a fair share of the stick from fans for its contrived storytelling. It is thus pleasing to learn that Myst IV: Revelation has done a better job than its predecessor. In fact, there are subtle moments in the game where the story even reaches the point of being quite moving. Although some elements of the story may not be as flushed out as it can be, the game succeeds in connecting you more to the main villain's slow transcendence into insanity and obsession. This, in turn, draws out the antagonist's multiple facades and helps to make the villain easily the most complex character in the Myst mythology to date.

Much of the story in Myst IV: Revelation is told through visual representation, with clues usually given in the form of objects in the scenery rather than literally in cut scenes and from reading books left scattered around in various places. This minimalist and simplified way of telling the story is admirable, since it constantly demands that you, as the player, pay closer attention and essentially appreciate everything that is on display in the game.

Myst IV: Revelation is vaguely nonlinear, to the extent that from an early point of the game you will have access to 3 of the 4 main Ages (Tomahna, Haven, Spire), with the last Age (Serenia) being available soon after. With the ability to switch between the Ages at any time, you can decide on the order to which to visit them.

If the story does not grip you, the spellbinding graphics that are in Myst IV: Revelation will. Indeed, the real reward for playing through this game is to see some of the most visually dazzling scenery ever created for a video game. The imagery is almost photorealistic, and the artwork is highly original. This is as closest as you will ever get in visiting an exotic planet from far away. Serenia, in particular, is my pictorial notion of heaven. Each of the Ages feels both unique and organic, from the lively creatures living in the jungle of Haven to the galactic asteroids floating in the skies of the freezing, lightning prone Spire.

However, if you ever want to get far in this game, you will need to do a lot more than just admiring at the beautiful scenery. Many of the scenes are highly interactive. In many areas, you can rotate in full 360°, both horizontally and vertically. You can open shelves, pull levers, flip book pages, poke lizards, flip over pillows, and interact with items with the swing of the mouse. You can touch and tap on items too: tap a paper pad and it makes a thudding noise; touch a cup and it makes a tinkering noise. It is remarkable that so much of the details, even if some of them may appear superfluous, have been inserted into each scene just to enhance your immersion into this exotic world.

Even if you have never played a Myst game before, there is no need to worry that you may get lost in the complex mythology. Using a special necklace that you acquire early on, you can trace past memories of the game's characters by simply touching the simplest of items. Together, these seemingly innocent objects slowly weave a picture of what has happened to them and their stories from past games. The necklace also allows you to watch again cut scenes and replay clues for the current game that you may have missed the first time around. Although this may sound a bit gimmicky, the necklace in fact plays a key role in the story, so its use never feels arbitrary or as a mere scapegoat to tie up loose ends.

The necklace is not the only device at your disposal in this game. After all of your past adventures with Atrus, you (more precisely, your character) have finally come to your senses and have brought along a camera with you in your travel this time. This means you can now take photos of any scene just for pleasure or for recording clues to puzzles you have found.

The developer has clearly put in a lot of efforts in making the game's environment highly expansive. Unfortunately, the major downfall of Myst IV: Revelation lies precisely in the same element that makes it so interactive. Finding clues in Atrus' relatively simple home is easy enough. However, when you are asked to look for clues in the most minimal flaws or markings from the near endless scenery of a lush jungle or ridged rocks above the clouds, finding your way or making sense of what you need to do begins to get complicated and confusing. In many ways, Myst IV: Revelation has returned to the roots set in Riven: The Sequel to Myst of having overbearing, almost overzealous locations such that backtracking can become quite an issue. The Ages where the kidnappers dwell are particularly disorientating, which (I guess) explains why they both appear to have gone slightly deranged in the story. There is an option to teleport quickly to the different locations of an Age. However, remembering where you have seen a particular small but important clue in a scene, to which you then must return later on, becomes a quite challenging puzzle in itself. There is a map in the game, but it is pretty much useless since it does not track your current whereabouts on the map. It goes without saying that there will be times when you will miss a pathway or well hidden object without realizing it because you have been overwhelmed by the surroundings that are of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

The animated hand cursor offers little in helping you to navigate the game. When an item can be taped, pulled, picked up, or otherwise manipulated, the hand will indicate so by either opening its palm or making a gesture that suggests the available action. The hand will also point to the direction which you can move. The problem is that the hand cursor takes far too long to change. It means that, if you scan around the area too quickly, the hand often does not have the time to animate itself and correctly highlight all the hidden hotspots. This is especially problematic when you try to locate an exit quickly in a scene.

Despite the fact that most of the scenery takes place outdoor, the game still suffers from time to time the dreaded 'endless corridor syndrome'. Spire, in particular, has far too many clues and notable locations far and wide for its own good. The numerous open areas are actually a distraction and not an aid to solving the tragically mind bending puzzle hidden in this Age.

There has been a long history in adventure games that puzzles are made too arbitrary. This is thankfully not the case in Myst IV: Revelation. Still, just because the puzzles can be all solved with acceptable logical thinking, it does not stop them being some of the most devilish puzzles you will ever encounter in an adventure game. Below the flashy exterior lies an enigma of the most preposterous proportions. Make no mistake: if the easy puzzle solving in Myst III: Exile is your sin, then the puzzle solving in Myst IV: Revelation is your punishment.

If there is a single word that best describes the puzzles in Myst IV: Revelation, it is 'ambitious'. Yet, looking back in hindsight, there are actually not that many puzzles in the game. However, the puzzles that are there are all cleverly constructed so to incorporate all the elements of in each Age as part of their riddles. For example, in Serenia, you need to dabble with a number of water channels scattered across all corners of the Age. This means having to constantly keep tabs of where water flows from a given area to the next. Even if you are an astute observer, the puzzle is not solvable until you receive a heavy hint stashed at the end of a previous Age. Here is a word of advice: wherever you are allowed a closer look at an item, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, never assume it is there for mere show. Just about any object available for further inspection is either a minor detail to the story or a cryptic clue to a puzzle anywhere else in the game. Unfortunately, on many occasions, there are simply too much potential leads for certain puzzles. Differentiating which is relevant and which is a red herring becomes convoluting.

Myst Iv Revelation Peter Gabriel

In addition, there are too many opportunities in this game to fail a puzzle, only to find out later that the answer is disguised as a seemingly innocent passive mentioning in a journal that needs to be read between the lines. For puzzle fanatics, this is more good news, but for the other gamers who are more absent minded and more interested in the visuals, these puzzles can make way to a debate on whether the game is rewarding enough to carry on. Some puzzles are almost so impervious that they fall under their own weight. I understand the developer's intention to make a tight adventure along the lines of previous games in the series, but the developer must also recognize that not all gamers, regardless of whether or not they are avid adventure fans, may not be interested in another Myst title that is as demanding as Riven: The Sequel to Myst.

Myst is highly successful in part because of its immersion created by the mature soundtracks that accompany the game. As the series progresses, so has the subtle ambient music grown to a life of its own. This is more noticeable in Myst IV: Revelation than any other titles in the series. With a more epic storyline, composer Jack Wall, who has previously composed the music for Myst III: Exile, returns to score the soundtracks for this game. Yet, despite the more ambitious score, the music sounds more generic for most of the times, though still certainly more prominent than the ultra minimalist nature in the earlier games. The typical primal bongos and drums in Haven, the sharp metallic sounds and tragic strings in Spire, and the feminine chanting and wind instruments in Serenia all contribute to create distinct ambience for the Ages and the living beings that inhabit them. Not once does the music feel out of place, though I get the feeling that Wall himself is not as enthusiastic when composing the music this time around.

Solution Myst Revelation

It is also a pity that not much thought has been put into developing the voices for the characters from the various time periods in this game. Your necklace will give flashbacks to scenes from up to almost 20 years in the past. Unfortunately, it is not always clear as when in the timeline each flashback occurs. Worse still, the characters' voices do not change at all during these periods to reflect the passage of time. For example, the kidnappers, as I predict, are supposedly to be young adults during the earlier flashbacks; yet, their vocals are no different than when they are confronted again at present time. This means figuring out which flashback comes in what order can become a bit harder than it needs to be.

Despite these flaws, the live action storytelling in Myst IV: Revelation is captivating to watch. The actors all play out their roles perfectly. However, in a few Full Motion Video sequences, the videos and the voices are not quite in synch, even when the game is played on hardware that meets above the system requirements.

The game is available in 3 different releases. The original release includes only the game but no other extras. The Limited Edition includes a full version of Myst III: Exile. The Limited Collectors' Edition includes a pack of playing cards, a bonus disc containing the soundtracks and short videos on the making of the game, a book detailing the history of the Myst mythology, and a cardboard box disc case holder.

In the end, none of the game's minor flaws detracts from the overall joyful experience of playing Myst IV: Revelation. There is no doubt this is the most epic game in the Myst series to date. It is also among the best adventure games of all time. While Myst IV: Revelation rightly deserves every bit of such enduring praises, it is both tragic and ironic that only the most persevere puzzle busters will reach the end and experience this game to its full potential.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (8.96 GB).

Myst Iv Revelation System Requirements

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